Friday, December 18, 2009

Welding 101

Dropped by Shea’s office today to check out the latest on the gate. It’s looking really good. Shea even took a few of us through a little hands on welding. I could get into that. Hope you enjoy the pics, have a Merry Christmas!



Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fireplace Firescreen Prototype

We’ve begun our prototype designs for our firescreens. I’ve been working with the metal guys on details – hopefully with a few changes here and there we’ll have our first one to review by Christmas. It’s been a slow process but I have confidence we’ll end up with a good product for those who are interested. Stay tuned for more updates and more choices to shop as we finalize our collection. Maybe we can even get Tracery to carry them, who knows - I will send the finish image to our blog soon!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Silverock Entry Gate

More images of the laser cut gate, it’s looking good. I can’t wait to see it finished.



Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Silverock Cove Entry

It’s getting close, the new metal cut entry for Silverock is being installed as I type. Shea Scully sent us a few teaser shots (see above) of what was left after he sand blasted the panels. I’m ready to see it how it turned out, more to come later…