Monday, June 28, 2010

Gallery will Open Soon!

ActionSportsArt's gallery is progressing, hopefully we will have the
soft opening soon! Stay tuned for more...

Friday, June 25, 2010


Alabama Summers

I know it’s hot outside but I never knew it was hot enough for your truck to burst into flames. This is what I saw when I pulled into work this morning. Nice…

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Measuring Saban's Office

Got a chance to measure Nick Saban's office today after the bid. We
got the football tunnel and a few ActionSportsArt pieces to design for
the stadium along with the pieces for Coach Saban's office. Here we go!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Successful Cigar Brands

This is a cigar logo burned into a cigar box I have at my desk. I've
always thought this design is a perfect example of what I call a
heritage brand look. Nice clean simple lines balanced with the right
amount of field and texture - well done AVO!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bid Package Done!

It's been a long few weeks but let's hope all the blood, sweat, late
hours, revisions and hard work pay off! Our bid package is due today.
Now cross your fingers!...