Friday, July 24, 2009

Whitewall and Co.

Its our first installation of many hopefully. Whitewall and Company is open for business. Check it out at

From: "Ryan Davis"
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 17:27:18 -0500
To: Chad Martin<>
Subject: whitewall img


Friday, July 17, 2009

Southern Idea House 2009

The G Brand gets a little pub from our collaboration with Dungan Nequette and Tracery Interiors in our team effort to bring together what we see as a seamless effort to creating a great home. The architecture and interiors work together to create a powerful yet relaxing experience. As I mentioned before, G got in on the action and created a custom wall stencil pattern seen in the image above. The pattern is a new alternative to bringing texture to a space without the mess and aggravation of wall paper. To see more of our collection of stencils available go to


Chad Martin, SEGD
The G Brand :  

(: 205.329.7023   7: 205.322.6167
t @GBranding


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Do You Look Up

Just passing through Memphis on my way to New Orleans and stopped in for a bite to eat. Soon after my cold beer arrives I look up and there's a 60 foot guitar on the ceiling. Environmental graphics influence our daily lives more than we realize. Design is everywhere we just have to stop and take it in. Later, headed to NOLA!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Foodimentary and get together

The G Brand is creating another extension of our branding efforts for Foodimentary. As we help in these efforts we will build upon the established look and feel through local and national mediums to bolster Foodimentary's brand. The eventual goal is to be the purveyor of all food facts and create a few published books along the way.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Heritage Branding

I opened a time capsule this weekend. Well at least it felt that way. A good friend of mine had a box of old relics that haven't seen the light of day in some time and we brought them back to the living. The labels, bottles and brands are all products of the past and evoke an sense of simpler times just by their appearance. There's an apparent sense of honesty and transparency to them all. They aren't necessarily trying to be the best flashy bottle on the shelf they just list exactly what's in the bottle or package. This is the type purity The G Brand tries to capture with our brands, concentrating on one maybe two simple truths and being the leader in whatever business our clients participate in. Something we like to call Heritage Branding.

Hope everyone had a good fourth!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

We at the G Brand wish you a Happy 4th.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Antique Cast Plaques

So I found these in an antique shop downtown a few years ago. I'd love to be able to make these for a client one day. They look to be made of zinc so they have to be reproductions.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Need Wrapping Paper Anyone

As G develops design ideas others always happen as a by product. Point in case above, these patterned designs are a sneak peak of some of our designs we will use as wall stencils for the home. G first used this method in the 2009 Southern Living Idea House in Texas. Hopefully this will get a good response, check back soon to see what happens.